Dee Lake Resort is going cashless as of May 2025
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Celebrating99years in Business 1926-2025

Dee Lake Wilderness Resort


Cottages with all the amenities have been constructed along the north shore of Dee Lake.

After several years, our goal of combining the heritage features that so many enjoyed over the past 75 years with some full service cottages is coming together. We have managed to relocate the older log cabins in a group on the south end towards Island Lake to create a Heritage area.

Now you and your family can experience the best of both worlds! Whether amongst the trees or with the lake in the background you can be sure your time here will be remembered fondly.

Rustic Log Cabins

We have managed to relocate the older log cabins in a group on the south end towards Island Lake to create a Heritage area.
*The Rustic Cabins have been renewed
with new photos arriving soon.

Full Service Cottages

Cottages with all the amenities have been constructed along the north shore of Dee Lake. Now you and your family can experience the best of both worlds!

Heritage Lodges

Two Beautiful Heritage lodges perfect for any season. Located in the historic Lodge, we have enough for 6 or more!

Boating & Kayaking

All boats are equipped with BC Safety Regulation Safety Kits* All rentals include gas, life jackets, and oars or paddles where applicable* All taxes are extra, prices subject to change without notice>

Fishing & Camping

For a day’s fishing or for a stay of several days, you can be sure of a good time for your holiday, long or short. We look forward to seeing you at Dee in Super Natural B.C.!

Family Fun

Whether amongst the trees or with the lake in the background you can be sure your event will be remembered fondly. Tour our photo gallery you may be there.

Kayak & Boat Rentals

All rentals include gas, life jackets, & oars or paddles

All boats are equipped with BC Safety Regulation Safety Kits* All rentals include gas, life jackets, and oars or paddles.


$90 Full Day | $55 half day.

17' is $110 per day | $65 per half day.

Kayak, Canoe & Paddles

$75 from 8am to 8pm

$25 per hour